Grade .5 - Debut Strings (DS) Orchestra Series
Music within the Grade .5 collection is playable by beginning students with limited study, and only uses the D major, B minor, and D & A strings. The tempo is moderate with 4/4 time signatures preferred, and the time range is up to 1:30. Bowings are natural bowings detache, and the rhythm is quarter notes with two repeated eighth notes.
Into the Midnight Forest
Up To $45.00
Salamander Samba
Up To $40.00
Westward Dreamers
Up To $45.00
Hocket in Your Pocket
Up To $45.00
Grade 1-1.5 - Premiere Strings (PS) Orchestra Series
Music within the Grade 1-1.5 collection is playable by elementary school students or groups, and only uses C, G, D and relative minors. The tempo ranges from andante, moderato, and allegro and has time signatures of 2/4, ¾, and 4/4. Rhythms are whole, half, quarter, eighths dotted quarter in 1.5, and time range is up to 2:00. Bowings are natural bowings detache, pizzicato staccato, and legato marcato open string double-stops.
Around the World in 24 Duets - Violin
Up To $12.99
24 Celtic Duets - Violin
Up To $12.99
Around the World in 24 Duets - Viola
Up To $12.99
24 Celtic Duets - Viola
Up To $12.99
Grade 2-2.5 - Stellar Strings (SS) Orchestra Series
Music within the Grade 2-2.5 collection is playable by middle school students and groups, and uses C, G, D, A, F, Bb & relative minors. The tempo ranges from andante, moderato, allegro, adagio, and vivace and has time signatures of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and simple cut time 6/8. Rhythms are all previous rhythms plus sixteenths, triplets, and syncopation, and the time range is between 2:00-4:00. Bowings are detache, pizzicato staccato, and legato marcato open string double-stops. All parts are independent, and percussion / piano is optional.
Around the World in 24 Duets - Violin
Up To $12.99
24 Celtic Duets - Violin
Up To $12.99
Around the World in 24 Duets - Viola
Up To $12.99
24 Celtic Duets - Viola
Up To $12.99
Grade 3-3.5 - Expert Strings (ES) Orchestra Series
Music within the Grade 3-3.5 collection is playable by high school students and groups, and uses C, G, D, A, F, Bb, Eb, & relative minors. All tempo markings are included, and the music has time signatures of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and simple cut time 6/8. Rhythms are all previous rhythms plus sixteenths, triplets, and syncopation, and the time range is between 3:00-7:00. Bowings are all previous bowings and introduces spiccato and four-note slurs. All parts are independent, and percussion / piano is optional.
A Joyous Sleigh Ride
Up To $55.00
Coventry Carol
Up To $40.00
No Rest for the Merry
Up To $55.00
Grade 4-5 - Professional Strings (PRO) Orchestra Series
Music within the Grade 4-5 collection is playable by advanced high school and college students and groups, and by professionals. The music uses all keys, tempos, time signatures, rhythms, and bowings. All parts are independent, and percussion / piano is optional.
Blossoms of Spring
Up To $50.00
Blue Sky Basin
Up To $75.00
Alice's Wonderland
Up To $65.00
Up To $70.00